


Our Cardinal community is eager and available to help answer any questions. Here are some frequently requested phone numbers.

办公室 电话 电子邮件
招生 (本科) 630-637-5800 admissions@noctrl.edu
招生 (研究生) 630-637-5555 grad@noctrl.edu
校友 and Parent Engagement 630-637-5200 alumni@noctrl.edu
校园安全 630-637-5826 campussafety@noctrl.edu
发展 & 捐赠者的关系 630-637-5213 advancement@noctrl.edu
Dyson 健康 Center 630-637-5550 dysonwellness@noctrl.edu
金融援助 630-637-5600 finaid@noctrl.edu
邮件收发室 630-637-5120
媒体联系人 630-637-5307 oic@noctrl.edu
餐计划 630-637-5858 reslife@noctrl.edu
President's Office 630-637-5454 president@noctrl.edu
居住生活 630-637-5858 reslife@noctrl.edu
Student Accounts & 付款计划 630-637-5689 studentaccounts@noctrl.edu
学生事务 630-637-5151 studentaffairs@noctrl.edu
Student Disability Services 630-637-5264 sds@noctrl.edu
Student Orientation & 欢迎周 630-637-5410 orientation@noctrl.edu
Student Involvement 630-637-5400 getinvolved@noctrl.edu
学生的成功 630-637-5111 successteam@noctrl.edu
Testing Services 630-637-5111 lactest@noctrl.edu
Technology Support 630-637-5440 helpdesk@noctrl.edu


North Central College
451 S Brainard St.
Naperville, IL 60540
(630) 637-5100

Building on North Central College campus

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Please contact the campus switchboard to be connected to additional departments, offices and individuals.